As you all know, I have been hosting WTML for the past 1 1/2 years. Looking at the success of the event I am quite happy. Every month the number of entries keep on increasing. I would like to thank all my blogger friends who have taken interest in guest hosting this event. Without them I would never be able to make this event a success. Last month's event was hosted by Sowmya of Nivedhanam. She has got 263 entries for the entry. Looking at the number of entries, I think she will be having a tough time drafting the round up. I would also request all the contributors to abide by the rules of the event. The main rule is to post only regional dishes and not to include any bakes in the entries. But many of you send us baked entries. As it is very tough for us to reject them, we keep on including it in the round up. I request you again and again not to send in any baked items unless it is an Indian regional recipe.

For the month of June, Shruti of ShrutiRasoi is guest hosting the event. Please send her your entries and I request you to make this event a success once again. To know more about the details and rules of the event please visit her announcement page. For this month the book selected for giveaway is Tarla Dalal's Mumbai's Roadside Snacks. A week before, I ordered the book. I received the book yesterday. The snaps and the recipes were so interesting and you will learn everything about the street food of Mumbai. So I thought of giving a copy for the winner of this month's event. Please send in your entries and you could be the winner of this delicious recipe book with drool worthy snaps.

And now to the winner of this month. I selected a winner through random number generator. Congratulations! The winner is Entry number 95. Kitchen Queen Linsy of Home Cook Food who had sent in A healthier version of Nargisi Kofta Curry. Linsy, please send me your address in India along with phone number to so that I can send you the magazine.Labels: Event Announcement, WTML EVENT