'Only' Event is a very famous event going on in the blogosphere which was started by Pari and is guest hosted by a blogger every month . This event is also very special because, the person who is selected by Pari can also win a book by Tarla Dalal. For the month of October I got the oppurtunity to guest host the event and the theme for this month is Sweets and Desserts. Feel free to take a sweet and read the entire post.
As you all know, October is a month of festivals. Navrathri is going on and and Deepavali is arriving soon. These festivals are very important and they bring back many beautiful memories from our childhood. Everyone must have enjoyed the sweets prepared by their mom during these festivals. Now it is time for us to take the responsibility. We need to give our kids nice memories about the festivals.
This event is not only about traditional sweets but also innovative desserts which you would love to prepare for your family members. It can be an international recipe too. One of the rules of this event is: "Do not use eggs". This is very important because this in an egg free blog.
The giveaway is sponsored by tarladalal.com and the book is by the famous chef and cookbook autor Tarla Dalal. So you have a chance to win Dessert Under 10minutes by Tarla Dalal. What are you waiting for? Cook up traditional or innovative sweets or desserts and send the link to me.
Rules for giveaway
For winning the giveaway the participants after sending the entry to me have to leave the link of the entry in Pari's event announcement page and have to clearly inform Pari how they are eligible for it as
1. they need to follow her blog publicly and
2. they have to be a fan on the face book page in her blog.
The winner has to provide Pari with the address at cookingoodfood@gmail.com so that she can make arrangements for getting the giveaway delivered.
Rules of The Event
1. Any number of fresh entries can be sent but only 2 entries from the archive will be accepted. Archived entries to be reposted, else will not be accepted.
2. Only vegetarian dishes accepted. Eggs are not allowed.
3. Use of logo is mandatory as it helps spread the word.
4. The entry should be linked back to my event announcement page and Pari's 'Only'- Sweets and Desserts giveaway page.
5. The winner of the book from Tarla Dalal will be chosen by Pari by random. org at the end of the event from the links left in her event announcement page. 6. Format of entry (please try to stick to the format)
Blog's name
Blog url
Recipe name
Recipe link
Pic resized to 300pixel
Country (this is an important field to be filled as it will be easy for us to know whether he/she is from India or abroad, hence applicable for the giveaway)
7. Send in your entries to gayathrisevents@yahoo.in
8 I will post the round up within 7 days of event completion unless there's an emergency.
9.I can not win the giveaway as I'm guest hosting it.
10. Non bloggers can also participate, in that case they can send entries to me and I can post them on their behalf.
Now coming to today's recipe. I wanted to send my first entry to the event and also wanted it to be a traditional sweet. Athirasam has been in my to do list for long. But I was really afraid about getting it wrong. For the event I went through the recipe book and found out that the recipe is not that hard. The only stage where you can go wrong is the making of syrup. So I decided to experiment. When I took the first bite, I was so happy. I got it right. A thin crispy outer cover with a soft and crumbly interior is what a perfect athirasam is about. Both H and Sruti are fans of Athirasam and they both gave a thumbs up for my preparation.
Raw Rice-200gm
Jaggery / Vellam-150gm
Cardamom Powder-1/2tsp
Oil-For Deep Frying
1. Soak rice for 2-3hours
2. Drain out water and spread on a white cloth to dry.
3. After the water is completely absorbed by the cloth (the rice will be slightly damp to touch), grind the rice in a mixer grinder. Sieve the flour. The bigger particles those couldn't pass through the sieve has to be ground again. Repeat this until a very small quantity of coarse rice is left. Discard it.
4. Take the rice flour in a bowl and add cardamom powder and keep it ready.
5. Powder the jaggery and add water. Bring it to boil. When the jaggery has dissolved thoroughly in water, strain it through a metal strainer to remove sand and dirt.
6. Boil the syrup until it reaches soft ball consistency. If you drop a little syrup in water, it should not get dissolved. When rolled with finger it should be able to hold shape. This is the correct consistency.
7. Pour the syrup into the rice flour mixture.
8. With a spoon, bring everything together. The dough will be loose.
9. Allow it to cool. Cover and set it aside for 12hours.
10. Knead the dough. It will be a stiff dough after the resting. Divide into 20equal sized balls.
11. Flatten each ball and make a hole in the middle. Apply oil in your hands for easy shaping.
12. Heat oil. When medium hot deep fry the athirasams until they come to nice brown colour. If the oil is very hot, the inner part will not be cooked and the outer part will brown soon.
13. Drain on tissue to absorb oil.
14. Serve and enjoy..
Soak rice for 2 hours and drain water |
Spread it on a white cloth to absorb the water |
Grind and sieve the flour |
Add cardamom powder and keep it ready |
Boil the syrup |
When dropped in water, it should be able to hold shape, when shaped with your finger |
Pour the syrup into the flour |
Bring everything together to for a loose dough |
After 12 hours of resting, knead the stiff dough |
Make equal sized balls |
Flatten each ball and make a hole in the middle |
Deep fry on medium hot oil |
Drain on tissue |
Enjoy |
Sending this as the first entry to ONLY-Sweets and Desserts. Please send in your entries too. Don't miss the opurtunity to win the book.