Gooseberry known as Nellikkkai in Tamil is very good for health and is rich in iron. Mom used to tell me that one gooseberry is equal to one drop of blood. But I used to hate to eat gooseberries in its raw form. It is sour and tart but when made into pickle or variety rice, I used to love it. There is also a preparation in which whole gooseberries are soaked in cooked in sugar syrup and soaked in honey. Consuming one honey soaked gooseberry a day will make you strong.I have tried all these but have never tried the juice until now.

Last month, my FIL visited us. He asked me to prepare this juice. And he also told me that I was the only person in the family to make all types of foods and that was the reason he was asking me. I was on cloud nine. But to be frank, I didn't know a recipe for the juice. So as usual I googled for a recipe and found one at
Ramya's blog. The next day, I bought some gooseberries from Uzhavar Sandhai/ Farmer's Market and prepared it. I made three glasses full and my FIL, Hubby dear and I tasted it. IT was quite tart and sour and was so delicious. If you are a fan of gooseberries, then you would love this.
Curry Leaves-a sprig
Green Chilly-2
Ginger Powder-1/4 tsp
Salt-to taste
Water-3 cups
1. Remove seeds from the gooseberries.
2. In a blender take all the ingredients except water.
3. Add just enough water to grind it into a fine paste.
4. Now mix remaining water.
5. Strain it through a fine filter.
6. Adjust salt and water according to your taste.
7. Transfer to glasses.
8. Serve immediately.
Remove the seeds from gooseberries.
Take all the ingredients in a blender jar.
Grind to a fine puree and add water.
Strain the liquid.
Pour into serving glasses and serve.