Wishing All My Readers A Merry Christmas!!
Yesterday I planned on making these cookies but couldn't finish it with so many other works. I made the dough yesterday and refrigerated the slabs for a whole day. Today I made a batch of two dozen cookies in the morning but couldn't find time to frost as I had some guests. I had the recipe of buttercream icing pinned on my Pinterest Board and finally after lunch, I decided to make a small quantity of the icing to frost the two dozen cookies. My BIL visited us with his family and this made a nice after lunch treat for them. I frosted the cookies and hurriedly took some snaps and then served them for the guests. The whole plate vanished within 1/2 an hour and I was so so happy. Hubby dear didn't even get a cookie to taste. As I have one more batch of dough in the fridge, I am planning to make it tomorrow.

These cookies are quite addictive. You can never stop with one. The original recipe was with eggs and I substituted the egg with sour cream. Usually I add milk if I want crispy cookies but somehow I forgot about it while making the dough. So the cookies turned out slightly chewy in texture but no body cared about it. The cookie with the butter cream frosting tasted amazing. There are some points to be noted while making sugar cookies.
1. Always refrigerate dough until firm. It is better to divide the dough into small batches and refrigerate.
2. Roll one batch at a time. Roll between parchment papers. If the dough becomes soft, refrigerate it again until firm. You can also freeze it for 15 minutes to hurry the process.
3. Once you cut out a cookie, place it on the baking tray and then cut the next one. It makes your job easier.
4. Refrigerate the cookie tray for 10-15 minutes before baking.
I recently bought a bag of silver edible sugar beads and I used them to decorate these cookies. They look so cute, Right??
Butter-1/2 cup
Granulated Sugar-1/2 cup
Sour Cream-1/4 cup
Vanilla-1 tsp
Baking Powder-1 tsp
Flour/ Maida-1 1/2 cups
Salt-1/2 tsp
Butter-1/2 cup
Icing Sugar-3 cups
Vanilla -1 tsp
Milk-3 tbs
1. Cream together butter and sugar.
2. Add vanilla and sour cream and beat well until incorporated.
3. In a separate bowl, mix together flour, salt and baking powder.
4. Add this to the butter mixture and knead to form a soft dough.
5. Divide into 4 portions and cover each portion with a cling wrap.
6. Refrigerate for 4 hours.
7. Roll each portion between parchment sheets to 1/2 cm thickness.
8. Cut out desired shape and arrange on greased baking tray.
9. Refrigerate the tray for 15 minutes.
10. Preheat oven to 175C.
11. Bake the cookies until they are slightly brown.
12. Remove from oven and allow it to cool on the tray.
13. With a spatula remove the cookies from the tray and allow them to cool completely.
Butter Cream:
1. Whisk butter until creamy.
2. Add sifted icing sugar and vanilla essence and whisk until incorporated.
3. Add milk and whisk to make a soft and fluffy buttercream.
Frosting the Cookies:
1. Heat the buttercream until it reaches pouring consistency.
2. Remove from heat and keep it handy.
3. Dip the cookie in the frosting until the frosting covers the top of the cookie.
4. Hold it inverted and allow the excess butter cream to drip away.
5. Place on a plate and sprinkle silver edible beads on top.
6. Once set store in airtight jar.
Place the refrigerated dough on a parchment paper.
Place another paper on top and roll it.
Cut out desired shapes.
Arrange on a greased baking tray and refrigerate and then bake.
Bake until slightly browned.
Mix the butter cream.
Heat it until it comes to dropping consistency.
Dip the cookie in the butter cream and then let the excess cream drip.
Sprinkle sugar beads while the frosting is still wet.
Serve it and Enjoy!!!