Announcing Walk Through Memory Lane - December and Winner of November WTML

I am late in announcing this month's WTML due to some busy schedule. Last month's WTML was hosted by Shailaja at Sahara Recipes . She has received a wonderful number of entries. Among the 117 recipes she got, I selected a winner using random number generator. The winner of last month's WTML is entry number 42 - Easy Tomato onion Side Dish by Sangeetha. Please contact me at with your Indian address and phone number to claim the prize

This is the final month of this year and from next year, I am thinking of modifying the event a little bit. Will keep it as a surprise for you all for the new year. This month's event is hosted by Poornima of Poornima's Cook Book. This month also there is a book giveaway for the lucky winner. The winner will receive a copy of Non Fried Snacks by Tarla Dalal. This will surely be the New Year Gift from Gayathri's Cook Spot. So please send Poorima your entries and get a chance to win this book and try out guilt free snacks..

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